
If computers are becoming more human. Its inevitable, human must become more computer.

Here in this blog, we are going to talk about two philosophies namely the human philosophy and the organizational philosophy with abstraction as the perspective, approach and the solution to every problem.

We believe that abstraction holds the key to approaching and concluding any problem and abstraction is the only truth that is true.


  1. Design and Technology: Here, we will talk about new design theories. Design have evolved across decades, numerous patterns and principles have been developed and applied. We would put some light on the basics that stand under every pattern and principle and how we can apply the same to define new design concepts. At large we will work on OOPs at scale.
  2. Human Philosophy: Here, we will discuss over human philosophy and speculate the new possibility of a software design-driven approach to human philosophy. We will try to address certain key areas in the human philosophy and represent with abstraction as the foundation and supported by software design concepts.
  3. Organizational Philosophy: Here, we are going to create groundbreaking theories of organizational behavior and organizational structure and design.  We will be applying software design concepts like OOP(Object Orient Programming) and AOP(Aspect Oriented Programming) to create new models of leadership and management.

Finally, the spiritual aspect here would be to derive to the conviction that  “Mahadev is the purest form of abstraction” and he is the source and destination. It all leads there, har har Mahadev.


#abstraction #humanphilosophy #organizationalphilosophy.

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